Sunday, October 14, 2012


Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening Ladies and or Gentlemen.  I am the Gentleman of Fiction.  Welcome to our first session.  In the postings and information to follow one can find the lessons of the legends--The Men of Fiction.  They have had the jobs you want, been to the parties and places you dream of, talked to the men and women you admire, and received the looks you want.  Their mottoes, ways, and skills span the test of time and pave the pathway to the respect and success you can achieve.

Why are you visiting this library?  Perhaps you are bored or curious.  Perhaps you have been looking at a special someone for a time and just do not know how to approach them.  Perhaps you are looking for a particular job and want show your employers that you are a man of class.  Perhaps you desire to make the most of your gentlemanliness.  Whatever the reason, it is good you are here.  The current generation seems to have forgotten the basic tenets of manners and many cannot even define etiquette.  To be honest, true gentlemen are a dying breed.  Perhaps you want to save them.

This library is derived from three principal gentlemen: Sherlock Holmes, Reginald Jeeves, and James Bond.  Let us for a moment examine each of our contributors:

Sherlock Holmes -
Holmes was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  That's right, Sir, so you know he knows what he is talking about.  Holmes is a detective during the Victorian period primarily in London.  As such, his time period demanded a certain formality of action and manners nonexistent in modern times.  Holmes is considered a man of culture and science; however, he is also known for his eccentric personality which often paints him in a mysterious light.  Perhaps Holmes most distinguishing characteristic though is is mental ability.  Holmes pioneered the art of deductive reasoning.  This type of reasoning centers on pulling information from observation, sometimes seemingly small or insignificant facts.

Reginald Jeeves -
Jeeves is perhaps the definition of the formal English spirit.  Reginald Jeeves was created by P.G. Wodehouse.  In this comical series of novels Jeeves is the valet or gentleman's gentleman for the bumbling Bertie Wooster.  Throughout Bertie's misadventures, Jeeves is always there to bail out his employer through some incredible understanding of human psychology and social logics.  Jeeves ever understands the importance of looking one's best and is ever focused on making Bertie look his best and avoid any faux pas of couture.  In addition to Jeeves' quick wit and reasoning skills, he is a master of dress, grooming, and maintenance.  He pours a great cup of tea, oolong of course.

James Bond - 
James Bond was created by Ian Flemming.  A master spy, peacemaker, and lover Bond is the upper echelon of MI6 Intelligence.  Known for his ability to keep his cool in any situation, Bond knows how to own the occasion.  He is physically adept, exudes class, and is very comfortable with beautiful women.

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